The Inner Goddess Activation
Dear goddess, are you ready to shed the old layers of your being and step into your divine feminine power to create your own destiny?
Letting go of the old limiting stories and paradigms holding you back from living your full potential while activating your divine feminine blueprint?
Are you truly ready to step into your full power as a creator of worlds, enhancing your intuition and releasing lifetimes of pain?

Then The Mayan invites you on an expansive journey for 1,5 hours with the Inner Goddess Activation in which the sacred plant medicines Cacao and Rapé will guide you in a deep journey within yourself facilitating deep emotional & energetic release.
During your journey The Mayan provides a multidimensional healing to assist you in your process of alchemizing stagnant energies while activating your divine feminine blueprint through light code activations and channeled energy from the divine mother Isis
The Benefits Of The Inner Goddess Activation
We women hold an immense power within our body, mind and soul. There is a literal Universe inside of us and when we activate this power we can live life with more ease and grace.
When releasing the deeper layers of our old stories and pain we can make space to invite more expansion, joy, love and abudance into our lives.
When we release the trauma stored in our physical bodies we can start to heal on a deeper physical, emotional and mental level
When we as women connect to the divine wisdom within ourselves we can more easily take aligned action into creating the life of our dreams as our intuition is more enhanced.
Activating the divine femine blueprint gets you in to touch with your divine life purpose. Finding out why you do what you and what you came here to create.
The Inner Goddess Activation
The Inner Goddess Activation
A deep immersive journey with the sacred plant medicines Cacao & Rapé with a multidimensional therapy session activating your divine feminine blueprint